Keeper of the Night is a 4th grade A.R. book, and it is worth 5.0 points. In the three years that I have been working in the elementary library I have decided that my favorite author is Kimberly Willis Holt. I love everything that she has written and I think you will too.
Webber's Reviews- I don't have any reviews written by the Webbers because.........I have begged them to read it, but I am guessing the cover turns them away. I am determined to get one of my fifth grade girls to read it before the year is over!!!!
Other Kimberly Willis Holt Books
Part of Me
Mister and Me
My Louisiana Sky
When Zachary Beaver comes to Town
Piper Reed books
Mrs. Rose's review - Keeper of the Night is about a young girl in Guam whose Mother committed suicide. The family runs a small store. The story is about how the young girl has to take care of her brother, sister, and Dad. Her Dad does not handle the situation very well, and she struggles to fit anywhere after this happens. Each chapter is about how she grows each day, and how things get easier with time but things will never be the same as before.